Reading Response 3

Hello everyone, for those of you who didn’t make it to the Zoom meeting on December 3rd, here is an important update.

The final reading response is optional. You can complete the assignment and I will grade you as described in the course syllabus; however, I am also giving you an option of completing the course now and basing your grade off a proportion of 85% (everything minus the final reading response).

If you complete the final reading response and don’t do well, I won’t penalize you. I will take the best grade of either scenario – out of 100% with the final reading response or your grade out of 85% without the final reading response.

The purpose of this concession is to allow you to focus on your finals without having to worry about completing more work in this course. In light of that, I will not take the best 2 of three reading responses because that doesn’t address the reason I am providing this concession.


Here is the final reading response question.

What are the strengths and limitations to traditional social psychological explanations of prejudice and what can we learn from critical readings on prejudice that emphasize the importance of social, cultural, and political concepts.


You can use Aronson et al and Gough et al as two of your sources.

I will be posting the final video about prejudice and racism on Sunday, December 6th. You have until Friday, December 11th to submit your response – if you choose to.
