Introduction to Economic Restructuring – URBS/GEOG 450
Hello everyone, welcome to Economic Restructuring URBS/GEOG 450. If you haven’t done so already, please visit the course website to get an overview of the course and access all the course material. I will also post all of the course material on Moodle.
To ease back into the classroom environment, the first class will be split into two groups who will attend for 1.25 hours instead of having you all come for the whole 3 hours. This will allow you to distance yourselves inside the classroom. You have been sent an email with the time you are asked to attend the first class. If you didn’t get an e-mail from me, please notify me.
Here is the breakdown for the first class:
1 – Introductions (you will be asked to introduce yourself)
2 – Overview of the course (the syllabus is on the course website, I will not be printing hard copies)
3 – Thinking about economic systems and practices
4 – Questions and answers