September 17 – Field Trip to the Duff Court Farm

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great week! 

On Friday, September 17th, we will be meeting at the Duff-Court Urban Farm. 

Here is a link to the farm via Google Maps

Here is a static map to the farm because Google Maps can be misleading

You may arrive at the farm anytime between 10 AM and 2 PM. 

At the farm, you will complete a scavenger hunt by taking photos (or just identifying if you don’t have a camera) of plants and insects. You will also be asked to take field notes about the farm by writing on the back of the scavenger hunt form. 

Download the scavenger hunt form here.

Once you complete the scavenger hunt, I will give you a garden tour in groups. I will give a tour at 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM, and 2 PM. Make sure you show up with enough time to complete the scavenger hunt (45 min) before the farm tours. Also, please bring a pen or pencil to take field notes about your observations at the farm. 

Important notes:

1 – Please bring a mask. If you are a few meters away from anyone, you may remove your mask; but keep your mask on if you are within two meters of other people. 

2 – There is no access to a bathroom, so please make sure you take care of your needs before coming to the farm. 

3 – Once you complete the scavenger hunt and tour, you may leave. Everything should take about an hour and a half. This will give you sufficient time to travel to and from the farm without disrupting your day too much. 

4 – If you cannot make it to the farm for any reason but want to get participation points, please write a summary of the required weekly readings in about 500 words. 
