September 22

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great week. Here is the plan for class.

1 – Introduction and check-in

2 – Instructions on how to write the blog posts. 

3 – Finish reading discussion from the previous class.

Summarize the article/chapter.

Summarize the portion of the chapter assigned to you.

How does your portion fit into the article? How does it fit into the other readings? 

How does your portion of the chapter relate to ecological economics? 

4 – Discussion questions:

What is ecological economics? What is classical economics? What are the differences between mainstream economics and heterodox economics? 

What are some critiques of classical economics? What assumptions from classical economics have been normalized? 

What are critiques of ecological economics (from the readings and discussion)? What ways can ecological economists address these critiques? 

What are the shortcomings of classical economics? How can heterodox economics fill these shortcomings? 

What does it mean for economics to be performative? Please provide examples of ‘economic performativity’? 

What does it mean that economic value is incommensurable? 

5 – Reading discussion from this week. 

Summarize the chapters.

How do the chapters situate within ecological economics? 

How do the chapters relate to the other readings?

How can these readings help with your first blog?

6 – Question: What is sustainability? How can we understand sustainability through different theories of economics? 
