Reading Response 2

Hello everyone, for those of you who haven’t been participating in the Zoom meetings, here is an important update.

The final reading response is optional. You can complete the assignment and I will grade you as described in the course syllabus; however, I am also giving you an option of completing the course now and basing your grade off a proportion of 90% (everything minus the final reading response).

If you complete the final reading response and don’t do well, I won’t penalize you. I will take the best grade of either scenario – out of 100% with the final reading response or your grade out of 90% without the final reading response.

The purpose of this concession is to allow you to focus on your finals without having to worry about completing more work in this course. In light of that, I will not take the best one of the two reading responses because that doesn’t address the reason I am providing this concession.

Here is the question:

How can urban farms become economically viable? What are some key considerations in addressing the viability of urban farms? How can systems approaches help us create viable urban farms? What are some examples of viable urban farms?

If you choose to complete the reading response, please submit the assignment by December 11th or a week from when you receive reading response 1 back from me. I am still in the process of grading reading response 1 and I will have them all back by Monday December 7th at the latest. I apologize for the delay. With 100 students, and TA hours to help grade the bogs, grading reading response 1 has taken a lot more time than expected.
