February 4 – Food, Meaning and Practice

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great start to the week. Here are a few updates. 

1 – I updated the grading rubric for the blog to allow you to use 4 (instead of 6) course resources (chapters or articles) and 4 (reliable, valid, credible) external sources – for the A range. This will allow you to incorporate articles that you choose instead of focusing more on course readings. 

2 – I changed the date for submitting your first blog from Tuesday, February 11th to Friday, February 14th before noon. You must submit your blog in hard copy in my mailbox on the 11th floor before noon on Friday, February 14th. 

3 – On February 11th, we will be having a potluck. You are expected to bring something to share the class, that you prepare, related to the blog post. I will go over this in more detail in class.

4 – Concordia unblocked my website. If you are still having trouble with it, please let me know right away. 

5 – Please make sure you read at least one chapter January 21st, 28th, or February 4th.  We will get into groups and discuss the chapters on February 4th. 

Here is plan for class

1 – Introduction and check-in

2 – Disucssion about food meaning and practice

3- Finalize group discussion about food cultural meaning of food

4 – Reading discussion
